Going Green with Tommy O’Shea; Kirby Adams’ Oscar-Worthy Performance


You can learn a lot of local history talking with Tommy O’Shea, which is what I did at the Carriage House in back of O’Shea’s Pub in the Highlands. Tommy’s a great ambassador for the Highlands who talks about the big chance he took in buying a property downtown next to the Yum! Center — before there was a Yum! Center. He’s hosting the Cocktails with Champions event next Wednesday.

Kirby Adams came to Louisville from Seattle for a one-year assignment — or so she thought at the time. A couple of decades later, she’s put Louisville Tonight Live in the rearview mirror and covers entertainment news for the Courier-Journal. And she’s co-hosting the area’s biggest Oscar party at Copper and Kings on Sunday for the Louisville Film Society.

In the news — I share my opinion on Mitch McConnell’s obstructionist efforts to block the nomination of a Supreme Court justice, and I’m seeing a lot of smart folks raising the alarm that Donald Trump could become president. At U of L, they’re dealing with yet another sex scandal involving a Trustee and an ex-football coach. But at least it’s almost March, and there’s plenty of big events to look forward to. It’s all on this 138th Rusty Satellite Show.

Tommy O’Shea. photo by Bill Brymer
Kirby Adams in the studio.