Marc Murphy’s Politics in Pictures; Coach Katie Gaughan on Getting Along; and Co-Host Steve Coomes


With just three weeks until the election, Rick visits with the Courier-Journal’s political columnist, Marc Murphy, to find out how he’s avoiding a humor overload with all the material provided by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and Matt Bevin, for that matter. Murphy, who will be speaking at the Nov. 15 Breakfast of Champions, offers up his strong opinions on the presidential race, saying that “Donald Trump can’t be president.” I agree.

EatDrinkTalk business partner Steve Coomes did double duty this week, co-hosting our weekly journey into fine restaurants and co-hosting the Rusty Satellite Show with me. We go over the whole University of Louisville situation, in administration and sports. Plus, we talk about civility in politics, also known as trying to get along with people with whom you strongly disagree.

Speaking of getting along, Katie Gaughan is an expert is helping co-workers get along on teams, and is an executive coach, something both Steve and I believe we need. Listen in as Katie sets me straight on what that’s all about. She’s one of my co-hosts of the Breakfast of Champions as well. It’s all in a great new episode of the Rusty Satellite Show.

Katie Gaughan at the studio
Interviewing Marc Murphy at his office. Bill Brymer photo
with guest co-host Steve Coomes