Remember growing up and reading the Incredible Inman column every week in the Courier-Journal? Mr. Incredible himself is one of the most interesting people in the ‘Ville, and on this week’s show he talks about his new book, “The Good, The Bad and The Snarky” — one of the better book titles I’ve ever heard. David talks about how he still gets questions for his TV column, even long after he left the paper after 32 years.
David Domine is our expert on Old Louisville, and has a special passion for what many may consider the most grisly, creepy criminal trial of the year — the Joseph Banis case. David’s writing a book on the whole sordid mess, and has been a guest on a popular TV show talking about it. But Domine’s real claim to fame is his special knowledge of Old Louisville history and cuisine.
Meanwhile, I watched a documentary on HBO this week called Trophy Kids, which dealt with the same sort of sick parent that prompted the New York Times to write a story headlined “Real Basketball Moms of Kentucky.” There’s nothing about this topic that I like, which you’ll learn from listening to Rusty Satellite Show #25.
Some key links from this week’s show:
The Good, The Bad and the Snarky
After the First 48: What Lie Beneath (on A&E)
Real Basketball Moms of Kentucky (NY Times)
Trophy Kids documentary on HBO