Tom Nielsen is the Sodfather at Slugger; Jim Blanton Goes Gonzo at the Library


The city’s most interesting podcast once again features some of the colorful individuals that are making things happen here. We start with Tom Nielsen, also known as the Sodfather. He’s the head groundskeeper at Slugger Field and one of the best in the business. If you don’t believe it, check out all the industry awards in his crowded office. He’s also mentored dozens of individuals who have gone on from Louisville to work in the profession in other cities.

My second guest is Jim Blanton, the Library Director for the city. He’s excited to be hosting GonzoFest this year, our annual tribute to all things Hunter S. Thompson. The event will take place for the first time at the downtown library, and will include music outdoors, plus plenty of talks and exhibits about the Gonzo creator, whose mother spent her career as a librarian there. Blanton also tells me about the new regional library program and about some great online tools the library provides for its patrons.

The worst story of the week in the news, as far as I’m concerned, is that a referee received death threats from hostile UK fans. John Higgins experienced harassment at his home and business too, all because some whiny UK fans didn’t like some of his calls in UK’s NCAA Tourney loss to North Carolina. Gov. Matt Bevin is making another attempt to effectively outlaw abortion in the Commonwealth, using his official powers to try to shut down the only abortion provider in the state. I’ve got news of some restaurant openings and closings from At least there’s the new Fake News edition of LEO Weekly for us all to chuckle a bit.

Thanks to our sponsors — Passport Health Plans, the Eye Care Institute and Moore Smiles, for making the Rusty Satellite Show possible.

Jim Blanton at his office in the downtown library
Tom Nielsen at Slugger Field