UVA Gloating with Lachlan McLean; Girls Talk with Filmmaker George Parker

Lachland McLean

If you like sports, and you like film, plus a little politics, this is your kind of show. George Parker is a documentary filmmaker who is using one of his productions to boost the number of females aspiring to, and running for, public office. Parker’s film, Raising Ms. President, is being screened to all sorts of groups, young and old, focused on bringing some balance to the out-of-kilter ratios of women who run in elections. Parker’s film is non-partisan, though he’s quick to point out that we do have a high-profile campaign featuring a woman running against an old white guy right here in Kentucky.

Speaking of girls, Lachlan McLean, the WHAS Radio sports talk show host, is surrounded by them. Married to former Rusty Satellite guest Carolyn McLean, the couple has two daughters. And Lach points out there are other females all around his world. But no one has more opinions on local sports than Lach, who give me the inside scoop on what that job is really like.

Also in the show, you’ll hear about the guy who ate his girlfriend, which will remind you of a Stephen King novel, like the one I’m reading/listening to right now. Plus, you’re invited to the party at my house in conjunction with the Gaslight Festival in J-town. There’s plenty more in this episode of the Rusty Satellite Show.