Celebrating 400 Episodes with Mayor Bill Dieruf’s Campaign Plan and Corey Boston’s Local Magazines


Eight years, 700+ guests, with a pandemic thrown in, the Rusty Satellite Show has persevered to reach a milestone unimaginable back in June 2013. But then again, there’s never been a reason to stop producing the longest-running podcast in the ‘Ville. It began in a time when podcasts were a novel idea, before hosting a podcast became as expected as having a web site for anyone hoping to make a mark on the world. But today the Rusty Satellite Show wades through a world of a million podcasts, boasting a track record like no other.

My very special guest is Mayor Bill Dieruf of Jeffersontown, who recently announced he’s up for a bigger job. He’s the only (thus far) Republican to announce his candidacy for Mayor of Louisville, running on his track record of success in J-town and his ability to lead and succeed in a common-sense way. He just might be in the right place at the right time to become the city’s first Republican mayor since the 1960s. He’s got great ideas to move Louisville forward.

I’m also talking with Corey Boston, publisher of Jeffersontown Magazine, which features Yours Truly in a cover story this week. Corey operates magazines in St. Matthews and Middletown as well, and tells me how he came to publishing from a history in health care and insurance. The magazine is in its fourth year. Here’s a link to the Rusty Satellite Show story.

We haven’t really celebrated a milestone like this since show #100, when we gathered at now-defunct Louie Louie’s in Jtown, when the show still seemed new. For episodes 200 and 300, I had Mayor Greg Fischer as my guest.

I’m often asked, given there have been some 700+ guests, about which was my favorite, or which episode really got a lot of attention. As much as I’d like to have a good answer for that one, I think the experience of having a meaningful, thoughtful conversation, meant to be entertaining, is what it’s all about.  I will say that one of the things I’m most proud of is the diversity of guests, the variety of industries and geography that have been featured on the show. It really is a chronicle of, as the theme song says, “What the Hell is Going On” in Louisville every week.

I sure plan to continue into the future. Thanks to all of you who provide feedback, ideas and support.  I’ll be back next week.