Danny Flanigan’s Louisville Sound; Intentional Living with Stacey Vicari


Danny Flanigan says there’s a distinctive “Louisville Sound” that comes from our unique location — mixing Nashville country with blues, rock and folk. He should know, because he’s been playing it for 25 years with his band the Rain Chorus. And listen in as he talks about the 10 years he’s been doing a Songwriters Showcase at Clifton’s Pizza every Tuesday night.

I asked Stacey Vicari what you have to do to become a renowned Life Coach — listen in for her answer, and more about the dynamic practice she began here 15 years ago.

In the news, there’s a new governor coming to town, and things will be different in the Matt Bevin administration. I, for one, am looking forward to watching it and wishing I was a beat reporter. There’s also news on the Economy Inn and some special events coming up — including the Breatkfast of Champions Nov. 10. Download the podcast and hear all about it.

Stacey Vicari in studio
Danny Flanigan
Stacey Vicari with Rick in the studio