I hadn’t really thought about building parks as an economic development tool, but that all changed after I talked with Scott Martin of the Parklands of Floyds Fork. We met at dawn at his office, which is in a wonderful old cabin the city acquired with all that land it got. The Parklands project is undoubtedly the most positive thing going on in Louisville, and you’ll hear why Martin believes he’s found his dream job at Parks Director.
I hadn’t seen Jo Self since she moved away in 2010, when she was running a cool service hosting upscale dinners for groups around town. Her plan to move to South America seemed a little bit odd, but Jo created a great life-changing adventure. And she acquired a whole new family. When I heard she was back in town for a visit, I thought she’d be a great Rusty Satellite guest.
If you go to LouisvilleKY.com, you’ll see my new project — a daily journal with my son Luke. I’m disgusted with BOTH candidates for the U.S. Senate after this week’s so-called debate. And going back to the UK campus for the first time in a few decades was a real eye-opener. It’s all in another great episode of the Rusty Satellite Show.