Nick Stover’s Flying Leap and John Hassman’s Pies to the USS Louisville

Nick Stover is the ULFlying Card

We promise you some of the most interesting people in the ‘Ville every week on the Rusty Satellite Show, and Nick Stover and John Hassman are perfect examples.

Nick coordinates social media for athletics at the University of Louisville. Getting the job was pretty competitive, and Nick tells the story of how he took an extraordinary step during the interview process to get the job.  John Hassman owns A Taste of Kentucky, which has three local stores. But what makes him interesting is the great story of his connection to the USS Louisville, a submarine based at Pearl Harbor. John sends Derby Pies to the crew twice a year, and was re-paid this week with a vista to his store from crew members.

In the news, there’s a road rage epidemic going on, it seems, as the summer heats seems to turn people stupid. In the media, another reporter has left the Courier-Journal for WDRB, and I can’t understand why the local school system insists on putting the Male principal on administrative leave instead of firing him. All that and the Blues and Barbecue Festival on this week’s Rusty Satellite Show.