Rusty Satellite 1


Please Check out My First Rusty Satellite Podcast

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Well, now I’m a podcaster.

Please check out the first edition of The Rusty Satellite Show. The premiere features two guests — Mark Hebert, with whom I discuss his job at U of L and the state of journalism, and Cyndy Tandy, my social media maven friend who shares some insight on KYAnonymous.

must give credit where it’s due — my son Nick, now 23 and living in New Orleans, came up with the name Rusty Satellite for one of his projects at Manual High School. I loved it more than he did, and suggested it would be a terrific band name. So like it or hate it, I’m using it for my podcast.

Thanks to Dan Vonderheide and his organization for helping me to get this going, and for having a great party at Manny and Merle’s on Tuesday night.

It is Don’s dream/plan to build an organization with a bunch of different hosts doing podcasts on different topics. He ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to raise the money for launch, and has a catchy “Reject your Radio” theme to the business.

If you’ve got ideas for the Rusty Satellite Show, or for any other cool audio to present to the public, get in touch with Dan at his site.

If you want to be a guest on my show, or get in touch, you can write me at