Theresa Reno-Weber’s Efficiency Adventure; Shooting Straight with Robbie Valentine


The Rusty Satellite Show starts 2016 off with a bang with two great guests. Theresa Reno-Weber is the Chief of Performance & Technology in the Mayor’s Office, which may be a fancy way to saying she’s in charge of making local government lean and mean. She’s come to Louisville with a fascinating resume which includes jumping out of airplanes and leading a Coast Guard team on a cutter in the Middle East. And she’s a mother to three young people, and runs marathons. On Tuesday, Jan. 12, she’ll be our speaker at the Breakfast of Champions at the University Club at 7:30 a.m. — join us and meet Theresa in person there.

I want to have Robbie Valentine on the show just to talk about the dream job he has at the Yum! Center, but after the events at Mall St. Matthews Dec. 26 I wanted to get his perspective on that event. Valentine has spent the 30 years since helping U of L win a national basketball title working with and motivating young people in this community, and he has plenty to say about their perspective and attitude.

Plus I have a thing or two to say about Rick Pitino’s latest outburst, and there were a few big first-of-the-year announcements involving Rusty Satellite Show alumni. So download the podcast and get set for a great 2016 with the Show.


Robbie Valentine at the Yum!
Theresa Reno-Weber
Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 6.35.57 PM
Robbie’s 1986 Championship Ring
Rick Pitino