Let’s not make too big a deal of my LEO Reader’s Choice awards — listen to this week’s podcast and learn all about how the votes are compiled. Plus, the aptly-monikered Bar Belle tells me how she gets all those drunk texts she includes in her column — example “Take me Drunk, I’m Home.” We also get around to how Sara Havens has adjusted to her new role as LEO editor and why her parents don’t read her columns.
My old boss, Steve Paradis, is doing some great work for the community as a healthy food ambassador in NuLu. He’s also been running Fresh Start Growers Supply for five years and hosts some great events, including the Flea Off Market, in his parking lot. I worked at Ironmax, where Steve was CEO, back in 2000, and we had some really good times. But now Paradis is supporting local farming and healthy food by giving talks around town, selling worm poop and other goods for farmers, and educating the public on how to raise chickens in back yards.
In the news, two sports stories took center stage in town this week. First, a C-J story accused U of L women’s lacrosse coach of abusive tactics, citing comments from former players. The outrage around town was palpable, but then U of L officials gave their side of the story, and former players came to Young’s defense, and now it appears no action will be taken against the coach. I think it’s just a case of one tough coach and some whining players who didn’t like getting yelled at, which is really just a part of the sports experience.
Which is also true of the traditional end-of-game handshake. The KHSAA really needs some help in PR, because the story should never have put Kentucky in the national media. But a poorly-worded release and some eager politicians and media types turned it into a referendum on sportsmanship. No one’s gonna stop shaking hands at the end of high school games, but the bigger story is that sportsmanship is lacking in some places. We, as a society, and as parents and teachers and coaches, have a responsibility to teach good sportsmanship.
The new book by Malcolm Gladwell, “David and Goliath” contains some wonderful stories about underdogs and misfits who overcome adversity to make a difference in the world. It has a local connection, too. I vaguely remember Gladwell coming to town about a year ago, thinking it odd that he was meeting with Rick Pitino. But the passage in the book about Pitino is enlightening and points out the origins of Rick’s philosophy on the full-court press.
Thanks for all those downloads of the Show, and please help spread the word. We’re on iTunes and Louisville.am, so listen on your phone or your computer or any Internet-connected device. See you next week!