Talking Tech and Weather with Taylor Trusty and Kristin Walls

Kristin Walls is at home in front of a green screen

I don’t feel like I’m that grumpy, but this week there seems to be a lot to complain about. So let’s start with the weather, or at least weather forecasting. My guest, Kristin Walls, is a very nice young lady who does the weekend weather at WHAS-TV. She patiently listened to my complaints about how weather forecasts unnecessarily caused schools to close last week, just because it was cold, and then explained what the real story is behind those predictions.

I also used the show to complain about a Kentucky judge who ruled that no, Kentucky will not amend one of its antiquated laws regarding alcohol. So you’re not going to be buying a bottle of wine at a grocery store. Also, a right-wing legislator managed to ruin a perfectly good domestic violence bill by attaching abortion language to it. Richie Farmer is headed to jail, a scenario hard to imagine when he was wearing those short shorts at Rupp Arena. And I talk about changes at my old place, Business First.
On a brighter note, I talked with entrepreneur Taylor Trusty about some cool technology and marketing at Blackstone Media, and get some advice on promoting the Rusty Satellite Show. Plus, I run down some of the entertaining shows on TV, including Justified. 


  1. Found you! Facebook. Good show. Very interesting about Blackstone. Youngman with no TV, cable?! I’m still trying to figure out my smart phone.